Information about twins in the WWW

Twins (D. Watkin, Oxford)
Twinning, Polymorphism, Polytypism, Pseudomorphism (S.A. Nelson)
Twin detection with improved robustness (UCLA-DOE LAB)
Bilbao Crystallographic Server (Group-Subgroup Relations)
DETWIN (CCP4 legacy)
Homepage of Temur Dzigrashvili (software ELDIST)
Twin Refinement with SHELXL (Regine Herbst-Irmer)
TwinRotMat (part of the PLATON package)
Simon Parsons' group (software ROTAX)
Tutorials of Sean Parkin, University of Kentucky
Twinned crystals (IUCR: Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography)

Page maintained by Martin Lutz. Last change 26-Feb-2021.
e-mail to Martin Lutz